Saturday, June 16, 2012

Change is Beautiful!

So says the friendly Carl Weathers.

For Carl Weathers, changing from being an 'Arrested Development' and 'Rocky' icon to doing these PSA's, I wonder if he really meant it.

Regardless, I'm more interested in change within my own life. I've been thinking more and more about what I value and where I want to be in 5 or 10 years. In the past I would have told myself that happiness is enough free time to enjoy countless hours of hanging out with friends, watching movies, reading books, and playing video games. Just veggin' out and keepin' it lazy. While I still enjoy all of those activities, I'm beginning to realize that entertainment isn't really all that great. It's enjoyable, no doubt, but it's not truly fulfilling or joyous. It's nice as a reward, it's nice as a needed unwind, and it's nice to inform myself of what is going on around me, but it should not be the end to the means.

There's the idea of "working for the weekend". I think it's a system that works for some and isn't without its merits or satisfaction, but there's just something that seems off to me about it. For some people, it's a must. There are dirty jobs out there that somebody has to do and it's a very real existence for some that they do have to "work for the weekend". That's too bad, but it is a reality.

So, I must do what I must do. However, I have ideas. I have thoughts and notions. I've been thinking about how I want to live. And I've come to conclusions.

First of all, I want to be fairly self-sufficient. I don't want fast food. I don't want to rely on groceries and TV dinners and junk like that. I want a garden. I want to work the land and I want to enjoy God's creation.

I want to limit the amount of items I purchase. I want to increase the amount of items I create.

I want to say yes to more things and say no to more things, instead of being so indifferent and lukewarm.

I want to work to improve the lives of my friends and family. I want to work to improve the lives of those I don't know. I want to understand life more fully, in order to do these things.

I want to pursue God. I want to read the Bible. I want to know the Bible inside and out. I want to share what I learn.

I want to observe and enjoy life. I want to be able to leave at a moment's notice, if I must. I don't want my possessions to own me. That's tough.

I want to look at others as being made in the image of God. I don't want to be snarky. I want to be genuine. I want sincerity. I want to be clever as a serpent, innocent as a dove. I want to be a good man.

So, those are just some of the things I want. Now, I will work towards them.

I leave you with one of my favorite verses in music, by Bruce Springsteen:

For the ones that got a notion,
A notion deep inside,
That it ain't no sin,
To be glad you're alive,
I want to find one face,
That ain't lookin' through me,
I want to find one place,
I want to spit in the face,
Of these Badlands.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Classic Paul Simon/Chevy Chase Music Video

As I lie on my bed right now, listening to Paul Simon's "Graceland" album for the first time (of course, I've heard many of the songs before - get real), I am counting my blessings. Not only my blessings, but my current responsibilities. Not only my current responsibilities, but my goals. And so on.

I just got back from a great family vacation. We went to Sun Lakes, a modest little fishing resort spot in Eastern WA that we used to visit when my brother and I were younger. We had a great time this weekend playing with Travis and Sadie's kids, unwinding with games of Settlers of Catan and Apples to Apples, and catching fish. I was also able to make some significant headway into The Lord of the Rings (a book I am enjoying immensely and am trying my darnedest to separate from the movies).

Deep Lake Cliffs at Sun Lakes

It was a nice break from the norm, even if it flew by and was slightly dreary. It gave me time to ponder on many things, including what I'll be undertaking this summer. I have many irons in the fire right now. There's a personal art exhibit that I have been working on for about 6 months which will be on display in Enumclaw during the month of September. There is also my application to DigiPen's MFA program, due the end of this month, for which I still need to complete my portfolio and get the letters of recommendation. I've also just donated three drawings to a little event called "Artists Against Inhumanity", which will be coming up in July. As if that isn't enough, I've teamed up with World Vision to create an original work of art to be displayed on their behalf in a special gallery dedicated to local outreach and medical organizations. I have to recheck the dates on that, but I believe the event will be in early-mid July, with the work displayed in both McCaw Hall and the Intiman Theatre. I'm thinking about doing a triptych.

Example of a Triptych, if you have no clue what that is.

That's a lot to keep track of. Plus, my place of employment just gave me a bunch of new responsibilities.

So, I'm excited to see what happens over the next few months. There are so many different directions these opportunities could push me, especially with God manning (Godding?) the rudder.

I'm still working on streamlining my life - getting rid of distractions, unneeded and unused items, and reliance upon unhealthy (physically, mentally, spiritually) foods. Recently, I donated all of my books to the church I attend, hoping that others will find some joy in them and that I may find a little freedom from the gargantuan territory that they claim. My foolish anti-Kindle stance had the rug pulled out from under it and I went out and bought one. Great purchase.

That's where I'm at right now. Weighing and altering priorities, cleaning up the excess, and finding joy in God and His work in my life and heart.