Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fresh Start (?)

I do a fresh start every so often. This is a fresh start.

New blog. New tumblr design. New twitter account. New Etsy junk. New lease on life (old cliches still).

Why all the new? Well, why not? How's that for a question answered by a question? Turned that right around on you, didn't I?

The new is due to a reassessment. A conversation with myself. A conversation with my family. A conversation with God.

It's time I started to buckle down and try to get my art out there in the world. Whatever it takes. It's going to be a lot of work, I can already tell. Hopefully it will be fun work, though. I think it will be.

So, I'm enlisting the help of my friends. If you are my friend, please follow me. Get the word out. I hope that I give you every reason to do so. If you are in need of someone to follow you, I will be happy to. This isn't all about me (even though it kind of is, at least in this case). Follow this blog. Follow my twitter. Follow my tumblr. Follow my etsy stuff.

I will do my best to get my junk together. I'm revamping everything.

Thank you.

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